Radical Transparency

In the interest of radical transparency, John Fenley will be live streaming much of the work being done. Customers and other interested parties can see inside the warehouse and watch returns, digitization, and development on the website happen in real time.

♥ Feb 14th 2020 ♥

We are in the warehouse!!!

I've been exploring the warehouse for the last few days, and all the discs that haven't been shipped are still here. There are also quite a few computers and LOTS of usb optical drives. I've been organizing the wareheouse a lot, and am trying to get it set up to rip discs to re enable streaming.

I've updated the dev website again, it is now running on the large server in the datacenter in Utah. You will now be able to see album artwork and track listings for your discs.

I ran into some problems while exploring the warehouse and checking discs. Many of the CDs that have been returned are not marked as returned in the database. It the next few days I'm going to be checking up on several things that I was unaware of. To restart streaming and download access it's critical that I know which items are in the warehouse.

The closing on the permanent warehouse in Arkansas has been postponed again due to the sellers issues getting clear title. It is now scheduled for Feb 21st.

Feb 8th 2020

Insurance has been paid for, and is now pending. We will have access as soon as the certificate of insurance is issued.

The dev server is up now at https://dev.murfie.com and users can log in and see a listing of discs the database lists as belonging to them.

Server install was delayed until today, but the OS is installed, and setup has begun.

Feb 1st 2020

Live streaming is going well.

The landlord has not given us access to the warehouse yet. It is likely that they are waiting for us to obtain insurance, which we have not been able to do yet. We were told by the company that previously insured Murfie that the old underwriter no longer wished to insure Murfie and that the premium would likely be over $10,000. Other insurers have declined to write a commercial policy lasting only the 2 months we need it for. The property management company handling communication between us and the building owner is not open on the weekend, so it will likely be Feb 3rd before we find out exactly what the hold up is, and can try to work something out.

We have rented a rack in a datacenter in Utah, and a dedicated server has been purchased. It is scheduled for install on Monday Feb 3rd. (some drive bays were lost in shipping, or it would have been installed earlier)

Re-writing the website is going smoothly, and there are no technical problems anticipated. The re-write is significantly faster, and looks almost identical to the old site so far.

Customers and other interested parties are also encouraged to call John’s Cell phone anytime, whether he is streaming or not, to ask questions, give feedback, talk about their concerns, or just to chat.
(801) 427-3532

Tentative Timeline

NowContract has been signed by us, and we are working with the landlord to regain access to the warehouse.
Early FebBegin re-digitizing some of the most popular media
Early FebHave basic functionality enabled on Murfie website
Feb 14thClosing date on Arkansas warehouse
Late FebComplete all requested returns
Late FebLoad all media from the current warehouse into shipping containers
Late FebComplete functionality of Murfie website
MarchMove containers to Arkansas warehouse
MarchUnload media and set up Arkansas warehouse
AprilBegin back digitization of all media
AprilBegin accepting incoming media again
NovemberRe-enable withdrawals of Customer Credits
2021Complete audit of all media
2025Last time to request returns under old pricing


We store physical media in our warehouse. Books, CDs, VHS, DVD and Blu-ray sit on shelves, never moving, yet being traded and used constantly.


Our marketplace turns dead formats into valuable commodities. Transactions happen instantly. ownership of items in the warehouse, and funds in accounts change owners at a blistering pace, and with only a small transaction fee. The market makes buying and selling so easy you'll be amazed.


All the media you own is accessible on a diverse range of devices. We strive for things to work everywhere. Files are available in multiple qualities, for streaming or download an unlimited number of times. Never worry about deleting your local copies, you can always get them again.